Many men have their own notions about what exactly it means to be an amateur transsexual and escorts are one of the easiest ways to find out if you fit that description. Yes, there are some erotic escorts out there that only specialize in transsexual escorts but that is not always the case.
All transsexual women are considered by most people to be women, but there are several differences between the two. In addition to being born with the female biological structure, transsexuals must undergo extensive surgery and other medical procedures which give them a sex change. Even after the surgery, a transsexual’s gender identity does not change from female to male; they are still considered female.
Professional transsexual prostitutes are extremely rare these days, as most transsexuals prefer to make money through their own specialties and so they are choosing to work as self-employed specialist transsexual prostitutes. The alternative to using escorts for hire is the regular sex work route – which also happens to be the best way to start out in your journey to becoming a transsexual. But at least you will have some companionship, companionship that is often hard to find on your own, and you may also have a good chance of getting noticed by the right guys.
There are many advantages to using a male escort when you first get involved with your transsexual career. If you think that there is little difference between being a transsexual prostitute and being a transsexual escort, then it is time to rethink your views.
However, if you feel that male escorts might not be the best way for you to get started, then there are many advantages to using a female escort. There are some people who consider that transsexual escorts are not really transsexual and therefore they should not be given the same legal status. So it is important that you discuss the issue with your escorts and your escort will likely point out to you what you should do legally in order to use your professional status as a transsexual for legitimate reasons.
If you are thinking about becoming a transsexual woman, or even just want to find out more about transsexual women, then you can look online for information about transsexual women and their lives and careers. There are plenty of websites that specialize in transsexual stories and profiles. Some of these sites can be found in your local library or on the Internet, but many of the transsexual stories available are not available for download.
By choosing to use a female escort for a while, you will become more familiar with the “business” side of transsexual life and you will probably also learn about what it is like to be a transsexual and to become a sex worker. From there, you can decide whether you want to become an escort yourself, and then you can begin your business up to that point. When you know you have “made it” you can then decide how much of a role model you would like to be for other transsexual women.